Search the online database for your definition and instantly look up accurate and extensive definitions and acronym/abbreviation meanings grouped by many topics.
Dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, and of other languages, or dialects of other languages, influencing it or influenced by it.
The largest human edited database of auction acronyms and abbreviations.
Look up translations in the dictionary, learn languages easily through hundreds of free quizzes.
Online dictionary that focuses on symbols and also gives their meanings.
Online dictionary offering English definitions and audio pronunciations of words. Also features word games, flashcards, quotes, news and translator.
Searchable directory of thousands of glossaries and topical dictionaries containing terms and definitions on hundreds of subjects.
Translate 26,434,049 words in 2,162 bilingual dictionaries.
Provides translators, interpreters, terminologists, and technical writers, as well as those in need of translation services with the information they desire.
Provides an English to Hindi Dictionary as well as a Hindi to English Dictionary.
A machine dictionary that aims to help people with their pronunciation of American English.
Provides a dictionary for English slang with many different slang words in English and their meaning.
Aims at creating a multilingual lexical database covering among others English, French, German, Japanese, Lao, Thaï and Chinese.
A word cloud is a weighted set of terms that are relevant to the content of a specific web page. Also known as a tag cloud, the relevance of each term is depicted by means of its font size, font color, or relative position.
Find access to phobias (fears, terrors, dreads), and many other English words listed in thematic units of English vocabulary words.
Dedicated to breaking down of language barriers and assisting the users who have the desire to learn a language, a need to communicate between languages, and for those who work with languages as a profession.